Monday, June 30, 2014


We were away for a four day weekend. Before we left, I replaced our orange Home Depot water bucket with a blue Lowes water bucket. Both were 8-gallon buckets. I've been keeping a bucket full of water with a coil of chicken wire in them to help drowning bees climb out, and plenty of long sticks of wood to help with the same, just in case the bird bath ran dry.

I replaced the orange bucket with the blue on the theory that the bees might prefer the blue.

When we got back yesterday, the bird bath still had some mirky rain water in it, and the new blue bucket was half empty. I was surprised that the bees drank so much! Apparently, they do like the blue better.

I emptied out the bird bath and the blue bucket, and refilled them both with water straight from our lawn hydrant. That was yesterday evening.

This evening, I went out. The bird bath was mostly empty. And the blue bucket was 7/8 empty! There was only about a gallon left in the bottom.

Brenda guesses that the deer drank it almost dry. So I refilled it and also put the orange bucket next to it and filled it with water too.

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