Thursday, July 26, 2018

More food

So I put four more pounds on each hive.

The Salomium had a very little bit left from last week.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Hive inspection and Feed

I opened up both hives today. In the Salomium I saw EGGS! So the Salomium looks good. I also saw plenty of capped honey.

In the Benedictium I saw plenty of larvae, so my non-observance of pollen in previous notes seems softened.

But I saw no eggs. And I saw no capped honey.

Both feeder pails were empty. Perhaps the Benedictium stopped laying because they were dry.

Anyway, I putt four more pounds of sugar on each hive.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Food and Pollen update

I put 4 pounds of sugar on each hive today. I noticed a bit of pollen going into the Salomium, but none going into the Benedictium. This might just be because traffic was light in the Benedictium, but it may be time for an inspection.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Beginning the July dearth

Well, each hive drank the full half gallon of last week's syrup. I put a new gallon of syrup on each hive today. The weather is very hot in the nineties and rainless, although the humidity is fierce.